EpisodesYou are a Media Company
Chat #66 – 10 Thoughts on the Future of Websites

This is CEO Chat powered by CBNation.co and Blue 16 Media. Your choice for all your website design, SEO and digital marketing needs.
Talk Number 6 in a series that will become the You are a media company course. The next 2 editions will focus on the website and why it’s important. Today I’m speaking about the future of websites. As I spoke about during Chat #62, I would argue that the website is the foundation of your digital marketing strategy aka your digital storefront. This chat, I will focus on what I believe to be the future of websites. I have looked and done research to see what many people are saying will be the future but I wanted to provide what would be relevant to the CEO / Entrepreneur and business owner
Definition of a website: a connected group of pages on the World Wide Web regarded as a single entity, usually maintained by one person or organization and devoted to a single topic or several closely related topics.
Digital marketing is fragmented and so is the website industry – WordPress is #1 but website builders are improving and there will be more and more of these website builders (e.g. Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, WordPress.com). They will also be companies and organizations “moving you away from the website” e.g. Facebook pages & Google
Websites will be less of a thing to just have but more of a need to have and it does this and serves a purpose e.g. (1) Lead generation, (2) Brochure (3) PWAs – Progressive Web Apps (e.g. Lyft, Starbucks)
Chatbots will continue to be big to engage with visitors
Mobile, mobile, mobile – even though the screens are larger, I believe that you will see simplistic design and convenience. It will also be a factor for speed because “Speed Kills”
Security will continue to be more and more important.
User Experience will be huge and providing a unique experience (e.g. like storefronts or restaurants). (Think of being an experience, providing customization, Artificial Intelligence or devices like Alexa or Google Home, design trends like scrolling and parallax and Machine-Readable Content (think of Google as a user and look at Google AMP or the Accelerated Mobile Page Project)
It’s still going to be more and more important
It’s going to be even more crowded and more accessible so look to distinguish yourself
VR and Virtual Reality
The website continues to be the hub but less and less of a first entry
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