You are a Media Company
Chat #76 – The Future of Blogging for Business

This is Talk Number 11 in a series that will become the You are a media company course. This is the fourth of the 4 that I will speak about the blog and why it’s important. Last chat, we spoke about best practices and tips. This chat, I will focus on the future of blogging.
Definition of a blog: A blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with latest posts appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.
What are some things you should keep in mind about the future of blogging?
Blogging isn’t dead
I’ve blurred the lines of blogging to define it as the creation of content and it encompasses social media sites and also built into websites. It’s possible that all blogging might instead live on these platforms.
Long form content will be very relevant and will continue to make a come back. Possibly be paid content.
The long-tail will continue to remain
The riches are in the niches —including topics but also perspectives and influencers
Unique voice and authenticity will continue to blossom. We all are content producing machines.
The traditional blog is not the only thing in fashion, blogs will continue to feature picture (e.g infographics, gifs), video, etc. They will live and breathe.
It will get even easier and quicker to create content.
User experience will continue to be more and more important. Everything is building around the user.
Experimentation will be key. No one really knows.
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