You are a Media Company
Chat #94 – How Podcasts, Video, YouTube or IGTV Can Be Part of Your Marketing Mix

This is Talk Number 19 in a series that will become the You are a media company course. This is the 1st of the final 4 that I will speak about other types of marketing tools out there. In the last chats I spoke about things like social media. This chat, I will focus on the future of podcasts and video.
Definition of a Podcast: First mentioned by Ben Hammersley in a 2004 Guardian newspaper article in which he rattled off possible names for this booming new medium, the “pod” of podcast is borrowed from Apple’s “iPod” digital media player; and the “cast” portion of podcast is taken from Radio’s “broadcast” term. As a matter of clarity, just because it’s named after Apple’s iPod, does not necessarily mean that you have to own or use an iPod — or any portable digital media player for that matter — to enjoy a podcast.
Technomedia defines a podcast is a type of digital media, usually audio, that is available in a series of episodes or and is streamed or downloaded by the end user over the Internet. Podcasts can be made available via a release schedule or uploaded to the Web randomly.
YouTuber is a frequent user of the video-sharing website YouTube, especially someone who produces and appears in videos on the site. YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim created the first YouTube channel “Jawed” on April 23, 2005.
Things we are doing:
PodCEO site will be going live soon
What’s a Pod CEO
Just left and covered DC Podfest on DMV CEO
- – Web designed sites for podcasters
Statistics – Podcast
56% of podcast listeners are Male
45% of monthly podcast listeners have household income over $75K – vs 35% for the total population
Podcast: Fast Company States that there are Over 525,000 active shows and over 18.5 million episodes
Podcast Listeners are Loyal, affluent and educated
Podcast listeners are more likely to follow companies and brands on social media
49% of podcast listening is done at home, down from 51% in 2017
Podcast listeners subscribe to an average of 6 shows
Podcast listeners listen to an average of 7 different shows per week, up from 5 in 2017
80% listen to all or most of each episode, down from 86% in 2017
Comedy is the most popular podcasting genre, followed by education and news
Statistics – Podcast – Brandwatch
By 2025, half of viewers under 32 will not subscribe to a pay-TV service
In an average month, 8 out of 10 18-49 year-olds watch YouTube.
6 out of 10 people prefer online video platforms to live TV.
YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and third most visited site after Google and Facebook
On average, there are 1,000,000,000 mobile video views per day
Takeaways: What does all this mean?
Podcasting is on the rise but it’s niche
It’s becoming easier to create podcasts – look at sites like Anchor
YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine but watch out for Facebook and of course Netflix
Consider Podcast and/or video as part of your ingredients
Video will be integrated in everything we do
Resources: What is a Podcast:
Resources: Podcast Statistics:
Resources: Video Statistics:
Resources: YouTube Statistics:
This is Gresham signing out, please be sure to sign up for the course when it goes live at