
Chat #103 – March is the Month to Hustle, Beyond the Papers Conference Coverage & More

Welcome to March! Hustle Mode Activated

This is Gresham Harkless from CEO Chat powered by CBNation.co and Blue 16 Media. Your choice for all your website design, SEO and digital marketing needs.
As I mentioned that we are doing some experimental type of content so this will have a mixup of some of the content that you should check out across our community over the last 30 days or so but also a mashup of some of the sounds from the Beyond the Papers Conference where we were podcast sponsors and did live recording for the first day. Also, check out the post on DMV CEO that has some of the sights and sounds from the conference as well.
It’s hard to believe March is here and this month is called Hustle Mode Activated. As you know we have our daily podcast running called the I AM CEO podcast as well as 2-4 pieces of content that are posted across our community every day ranging from book reviews, email interviews, video interviews, guest posts, event coverage and more. Don’t forget to get your Hustle T-shirt at CEOGear.co as well.
Make sure to check out and take advantage of your free trial to join CBNation Plus which includes access to our I AM CEO Tribe.
Lastly, make sure you sign up for our newsletter as well at ceoblognation.com/newsletter
Posts you should check out
  1. I AM CEO Podcast – Special Episode #200: https://iamceo.co/2019/03/01/iam200-special-episode-200-episodes/
  2. Judy Schramm – I AM CEO Podcast Interview #178: https://iamceo.co/2019/02/07/iam178-ceo-helps-entrepreneurs-create-strong-personal-presence-online/ – CEO Hack which was all about forming relationships leveraging LinkedIn and other Platform
  3. Zack Messler – I AM CEO Podcast Interview #171: https://iamceo.co/2019/01/31/iam171-entrepreneurs-helps-companies-evolve-their-message-for-bigger-impact/ – CEO Hack: CPR stands for Create, Publish and Repeat also his CEO Nugget was powerful which focused on 3 interesting questions to ask—what is it? what does it do? why does it matter to my audience?
  4. Recap: Beyond the Papers Conference (LIVE 3/1 at 1pm EST): https://dmv.ceoblognation.com/?p=19328
Closing quote – “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.” – Blaise Pascal


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One of the quotes that reigns true in the I AM CEO podcast (@iamceo.co) – simplicity and brevity is one of the highest forms of art. You have to work at it. What happens when you try to launch a podcast that's around 16 minutes. It forces you to trim and cut the “fat” and produce a quality product where every second is valuable. 7-8 interview questions in a laser focused podcast. . . . Steve Jobs even has said “That's been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” . . . Check out this CEO Nugget from IAM200 special episode with Gresh (@progreshion) launching 3/1 – “If I Had More Time, I Would Have Written a Shorter Letter” comes from French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal. . . . #podcast #valuebombs #simplicity #quality #trimthefat #ceonugget . . . #ceo #entrepreneur #startup #business #businessowner #ceoblognation #ceos #entrepreneurs #startups #businesses #businessowners #businessman #businessmen #businesswoman #businesswomen #mompreneur #mumpreneur #hustle #work #grind #workethic #IAMCEO  #entrepreneurship #motivation

A post shared by CEO Blog Nation – CBnation.co (@ceoblognation) on

Last but certainly not least, I will leave you with some sounds from the Beyond The Papers Conference.
See also  Chat #105 - Happy New Year, Sick Host, CBNation+, CEO Hacks & More


CBNation helps entrepreneurs and business owners succeed with visibility, resources and connections. CEO Blog Nation is a community of blogs for entrepreneurs and business owners. Started in much the same way as most small businesses, CEO Blog Nation captures the essence of entrepreneurship by allowing entrepreneurs and business owners to have a voice. CEO Blog Nation provides news, information, events and even startup business tips for entrepreneurs, startups and business owners to succeed.

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CEO Podcasts Hosted by Gresham Harkless

IAM2404 - Wellness Coach Helps People Experience Happiness Every Day through Mindfulness, Movement and Mindset

CEO Podcasts Hosted by Gresham Harkless         CEO Podcasts Hosted by Gresham Harkless        
IAM2404 - Wellness Coach Helps People Experience Happiness Every Day through Mindfulness, Movement and Mindset           IAM2404 - Wellness Coach Helps People Experience Happiness Every Day through Mindfulness, Movement and Mindset          
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