CEO Chat

Chat #52 – You Are a Media Company – Free Agent Talk

CEO Chat Podcast

“Whether you know it or not, you are a media company.” This was a presentation that I gave to a group of “Free Agents” in Washington DC area. The group included soloprenuers, small and medium-size businesses and organizations. I spoke about how to take these platforms and tools to create content for your specific market.

Here is a summary of what I spoke about.

3:41 – You have to take care of these three main questions in the very beginning – Target market, Resources, Unique
5:40 – The three things you should know after answering the questions
5:44 – Creating a concept for your target market
6:57 – There are six steps process in creating your media company
7:50 – You need to understand your marketing plan and what will you put on it
9:41 – The biggest thing that you want to remember is that all traffic doesn't result in customers… It's an inverted pyramid
10:26 – Ask yourself, What is your goal
11:19 – Know your target market- front back side to side up and down all around, make sure what you do is valuable to them.
12:19 – If you build a website, build it for mobile first before thinking about the desktop because people use mobile devices at such a high level
13:00 – Gathering your digital marketing tools
14:03 – Valuable questions with answers about the different digital marketing tools available today.
14:28 – The power of Social Media aka “traditional marketing and advertising is for people with money but no brains, social media marketing is for people with brains but don't have money”
42:12 – The use of Email Marketing
43:34 – How SEO helps your website to show up in Google searches, how to maximize web tools and leverage blogging
59:57 –  Every domain is not equal – if you just purchase your domain yesterday, you're not going to have the same reputation as or
1:00:03 – Q&A Valuable questions, thoughts, and discussion following the presentation

Resources Mentioned

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